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Published January 10, 2018

Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA


How often is what I want to feel revealed, or does it stay beneath, stirring around inside of me.

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Those times where I repress my own joy, my own concerns and my frustrations.

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I want to surface, in a soft and genuine way. I want my most true self to rise up and be seen.

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What is it that holds me back then, that keeps me dual-sided.

Is it pride or is it fear? Is it something I can't control, or something I won't.

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There is a part of me, you see, below this seemingly solid face. 

Hints of it bubble up now and again as gentle sunlight warms and welcomes,

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for there was nothing ever frozen that couldn't be softly thawed.

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So when the spring of myself comes to life, my heart will effortlessly flow and soar.

And then will I answer with sincere and lovely words,

"I am here, and I am home."